Strategies and methods for youth involvement in decision making process

Youth Initiatives for Slanic- Moldova!
Between 12 and 20 October 2014, 25 young people from Turkey, Czech Republic, Poland, Spain and Romania participated in the Training Course: “Strategies and methods for youth involvement in decision making process” funded by the European Union programme Erasmus+. The project took place in Slanic- Moldova, Romania and it was a response to the problem of youth, which is the lack of involvement in the decision making process relating to European values.
9 days – this is the time that has been spent on improving the quality of work of youth workers and their role in achieving the intended results. The initiative was directed to people that are involved in social work in order to improve their competencies. Through non-formal methods of activities, young people developed their abilities and interpersonal skills. The main objective of the project was the development of young people, which has an impact on the management system of support of local interests. Project involved people from rural areas in order to ensure the proper functioning of young people with limited access to information.
Place of the meeting was a small town located in the eastern part of Romania. Friendly atmosphere, fresh air and nature allowed participants to gain positive energy for their further action. The Training Course promoted communication without barriers, cultural diversity, strongly attitude of young activists, which increased competencies of youth and opens their minds for real changes in their environment. Through various methods, young people had the opportunity to take part in many interesting activities, where they shared their experience in strategies and methods of youth work based in their own experience.
There was also time to explore the richness of Romanian culture. One of the organized tours was a trip to Bacau. It was a great occasion to get to know the customs and traditions of the inhabitants, but also to integrate the group.
The project was organized by the organization “Asociatia Tineret pentru Dezvoltare Durabila”, which supports the development of young people in order that contribute to the improvement of key competences of the youth mainly in the fields of entrepreneurship and foreign languages.
Contact person: Dragos Drumen